A Start

        There's a kind of latent wakefulness of feelings that seem chastened after having been sitting in a long night's ride on a road that started out long ago, detouring away from the originally desired destination. 

        (I keep telling myself I should have pursued writing a long time ago but of course it had to have been at night, on the start of that proverbial life's trip taken because it wasn't necessary to see the way then but you're told to blindly take a path like 'everybody else' and that in good time, you shall be brought along to some commonly acknowledged arrival, something which was internally feared as monotonous to endure or unfit for one who really needed the elucidating daylight to enjoy the passing sceneries, at the very least!).

        I'm still navigating that life's map, while accommodating various reasons that keep me coupled to another road.  I'm still looking out the window, dreaming up landscapes to write about those 'adventures'.
